Giving Yourself the Gift of Time
Giving Yourself the Gift of Time

Giving Yourself the Gift of Time

“Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.” – Peter Drucker

Effectiveness Habit #7: Cultivate Access to You encourages you to take time for yourself.

Effectiveness Habit #6: Refresh also encourages you to pause instead of jumping into action.  If you find it hard to carve out time to refresh, reflect, and review, you are not alone. This is one of the toughest habits to adopt because of our culture of action trains us to get going, get busy. We do things to have the results we want.

When I feel myself pushing to get into action without a refresh, I remember that

  1. action is good and
  2. time for myself and refreshing before action makes the action more effective.



    1. Mike

      Yes, Candice! Heading into a busy time can give you an excuse to NOT take care of yourself, to be less effective, and to blame it on busy-ness.

      AND heading into a busy time can help you focus. You’ll see your particular responses to tasks, requests, ideas, getting things done, the joy of completion, lingering guilts, etc.

      Good luck on this new season of busy. I look forward to hearing how it all goes!!


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