How To Compete and Win-Win
A commitment to win-win is one of four key components of success. And going for win-win does not mean we avoid competing in the market. …
Your and your company’s capacity to scale, deliver, and enjoy sustainably.
A commitment to win-win is one of four key components of success. And going for win-win does not mean we avoid competing in the market. …
Pause a moment. What physical sensations do you notice in response to this question: “If you could live the life and career of your dreams, …
We can wait around for it. We can bemoan how the people in charge aren’t doing anything about it. We can fight to make everybody …
Thought you should hear this: despite the drama, everything is working out. I suggest you can relax. And have not a single worry about how …
To create something new, we must dream it then let it happen. Dreaming means answering completely the questions, “What do we want?” and “Why?” Letting …
We have good want and bad want. Good want says things like, “I want this and am excited that it is on its way.” Bad …
Baked deeply into each of us is the habit of avoiding failure at any cost. But we fight failure to our detriment. Failure is valuable. …
Saying “no” also means no longer doing things because we have to. Notice the kinds of things we say we have to do. Chores. Meetings. …
Other people can be quite frustrating. Since they don’t want to be told what to do or think, how can we possibly lead, sell, or …
Getting what you want always starts with stating what you want. Though it sounds simple, most of us don’t actually do it. We either don’t …