“You can be, do, or have anything.” “There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” “You already have within you everything …
Your and your company’s capacity to scale, deliver, and enjoy sustainably.
“You can be, do, or have anything.” “There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” “You already have within you everything …
Here is a quick check-in tool you can use to test the health of a project, venture, business, or career. Do I (or does everyone …
Yes, there is a 100%-guaranteed way to succeed in whatever you want. I only wish I could describe it to you. Though oh-so-many have tried, …
We all influence people to our point of view. How do you influence? It turns out that there is an influencing spectrum. On one end …
What if money was a by-product? Instead of it coming in exchange for something, what if it came as needed whenever you threw yourself into …
Tell me something you really, really need in your life. And I’ll tell you what you really, really need to give to others. “Whoa,” you …
There are people who will say, “You can’t.” Some may say, “You shouldn’t.” If what you do affects them directly (perhaps you are, for instance, …
When your entire team or organization is in overwhelm, one or more of these are broken. Rhythm – Too many, too few, or the wrong …
I am grateful to a reader of yesterday’s Note (“expect that what you want will arrive”) because she helped me refine my suggestion. She noted …
“Think logically. Use your head,” we are told. We are admonished not to be emotional. “Our brains separate us from mere beasts.” Perhaps. And I …