Great Results
Great results occur when we finally see that our real work is to focus on what we want, feel good about what we want showing …
Improving how we deliver sustainably and scalably.
Great results occur when we finally see that our real work is to focus on what we want, feel good about what we want showing …
Our worries about how something will get done are merely us focusing on what’s wrong. This, we’ve seen, is a great way to prevent progress. …
We can act in response to what we think are other people’s judgments of us. (Yuck.) Or we can act according to what we want. …
For anything that remains stubbornly undone, the very last place at need to look for answers is between our ears. Our judgments and beliefs hold …
When we see an organization of good, caring people working hard, long hours, it’s often a symptom: there isn’t enough clarity. If we all aren’t …
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. –Albert Einstein Our companies thrive when we have the simplest possible systems, processes, and …
There’s a fundamental flaw that makes all time (or task) management awful. When we think about time management, we make the unwitting assumption that we …
Assuming we know the outcomes we want to see, there are two ways we can approach any given situation. We can worry about how it …
Okay. Maybe we are convinced that jumping into action to get desired results is problematic. Perhaps there is something useful in raising our buzz–that is, to …
We talk about approaching our piles of tasks with ease. We note how jumping into action when feeling tense, angry, or otherwise bad about stuff …