Getting Down to Brass Tacks about Buzz
Some leaders may wonder, “Do I really need to raise my buzz? How does that sort of mumbo-jumbo fit into the practical, brass-tacks world of …
An open, calm, confident mindset. Plugged in, mostly. Opting for feel good, then act instead of get into action to shut down bad feelings.
Some leaders may wonder, “Do I really need to raise my buzz? How does that sort of mumbo-jumbo fit into the practical, brass-tacks world of …
“Something bad is going to happen.” “This sucks.” “I’m angry.” “I’m not as good as others.” “Others don’t/can’t get it.” “I am worried.” “There is …
Try being, at once, both happy and unhappy. Try being both high buzz and low buzz. Or try being both worried (or concerned) about your …
We often do wanting wrong. Want-yeah-but is what happens when we want something, deep down doubt it’s possible, and list all the reasons why what …
We fear the possibility of something negative happening more than the reality of something negative happening. If we notice ourselves fearing anything, we can Feel …
To read, watch, or listen to the news every day, is it any wonder that we feel bad about our world? So much negativity. Yet we …
Happiness, for most of us, is a choice. Reality is not. It seems, though, that choosing to be happy ends up changing the reality that …
Be careful now. No matter how young or old we are, wisdom can strike us any time and when we least expect it. Symptoms include …
What if all this is supposed to be fun, light, simple? What if that knot in our gut (or wherever) was not something telling us …
What if, every time we caught ourselves anticipating something bad that might happen, we stopped and started anticipating something good that we would want to …