Our Every Morning Story
“Psst. “See that pile of tasks over there? Yeah. And the other pile behind that one? And all the tasks you’ve got in your inbox …
An open, calm, confident mindset. Plugged in, mostly. Opting for feel good, then act instead of get into action to shut down bad feelings.
“Psst. “See that pile of tasks over there? Yeah. And the other pile behind that one? And all the tasks you’ve got in your inbox …
We all always get the level of success we expect. Want more? Expect more. In your corner, Mike PS: Rien de plus simple, oui? …
Criticism, obstacles, rejection, and uncertainty are the four big offenses. We usually defend against one or more of these all the time. But this constant …
We struggle when we try to make things happen through action (or, occasionally, avoiding action) alone. There is a better formula. And it is simple. Choose …
Why do we want success at work and home? Why do we want more clients, prestige, income, freedom, recognition, knowledge, beauty, harmony, growth, power, order, …
For far too long, too many of us have defined our self-worth based on what other people think. Most of us have fuzzy self-views. We …
We lead our work and home lives around limits. These limits are tools to help us focus who we are and what we really want …
We usually think that in order to be accepted, respected, and valued in our roles, we have to know everything we should know, do everything …
We can worry. Or we can choose to see that things will work out. Like all low-buzz reactions, worrying accomplishes little and limits access to …
When we raise our buzz–individually or as a team–whatever we thought had been holding us back melts away. Nothing holds us back. In your …