Most of us live our lives trying to make the world behave as we think it should. We think, “That person or this situation changing …
An open, calm, confident mindset. Plugged in, mostly. Opting for feel good, then act instead of get into action to shut down bad feelings.
Most of us live our lives trying to make the world behave as we think it should. We think, “That person or this situation changing …
People who try to raise their buzz–to feel good then act–often report that they fall right back to a not-so-good-feeling state. Somehow. they can’t hold …
Ah, the word passion. Some of us embrace the word. We live out loud. We appreciate all of life. And our greatest wish is for …
Maintaining our focus on the lack of something–anything–prolongs the lack. We know this. We see how we get tangled up in our thoughts and feelings. …
Real change–the change we need to make to (finally) get what we’ve been seeking–is really uncomfortable. It can seem so horribly uncomfortable that we will …
Let’s be present. Presence means neither regretting the past nor worrying about the future. It means not trying to control things. It means accepting what’s …
The sages tell us that we get what we focus on. That means that focusing on a problem has an odd but reliable way of …
Sometimes all we need is someone to say, “You’re fine, life is good, everything will work out.” You’re fine. Life is good. Everything will work …
Most of us do not give our hearts to anything. – J. Krishnamurti We all will continue to struggle in our businesses and careers until …
War begets war. Pain begets pain. And love begets love. Same for success, poverty, caring, justice, double-dealing, politics, honesty, follow-though, respect, winning, and wealth. There …