How To Ensure Others Get Stuff Done
When we lead, sell, and influence others, one of our biggest challenges is having them follow through on things we request of or delegate to …
Tips and Insights about influencing people toward shared goals.
When we lead, sell, and influence others, one of our biggest challenges is having them follow through on things we request of or delegate to …
As with negative feedback, positive feedback is best when we make it specific and deliver it as soon as possible. Positive feedback is far more valuable …
Giving negative feedback is tough. None of us, really, likes conflict. Giving feedback or correcting can be so tough that we will go to great lengths not do it. …
Before we direct, correct, encourage, sell to, influence, plead with, or praise people, let’s take a moment to quietly love them. If we can’t love them, let’s …
Delegation requires trust and authority. We must trust that we have adequately described the problem and the desired outcomes. We must trust that our delegates have …
Once we have decided on a strategy, we can improve it by asking everyone involved, “What could prevent the success of this strategy?” We may …
Within each of us is a wealth of juicy goodness. As leaders, a big part of our job is to recognize, name, nurture, and deploy …
Delegation, especially to people new to us or to the work, is not throwing tasks over the wall with the briefest of outlines of what’s …
Delegation does not mean simply handing over a task. Nor does it mean getting other people to do a task the way we would. It …
Show me someone who is underperforming and I’ll show you someone who very, very likely has not been given clear parameters for success, real-time feedback, …