Sowing the Seeds of Love
Sowing the Seeds of Love

Sowing the Seeds of Love

The world is nuts.

And it’s super easy to pin the blame on them or that one.

But we’ve all been sowing the seeds of fear. Not intentionally, of course. We didn’t know that hanging out too long in fear spreads it.

So let’s take ownership of the love-fear balance. Despite what we may think (or fear), we can choose–at this moment or the next one–to sow the seeds of love for ourselves and for our families, communities, companies, and world.

And I bet we aren’t so far off. Look around, good leader. Some of us are already leaning in powerfully, paving the way. We can help right away by noticing and nurturing the seeds of love everywhere as they sprout.

In your corner,


Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash

PS: If fear and love aren’t the right words, try concern and care.