Leading Has (almost) Nothing To Do With Getting Stuff Done
Leading Has (almost) Nothing To Do With Getting Stuff Done

Leading Has (almost) Nothing To Do With Getting Stuff Done

Growing up, our adults taught us to get our stuff done. “It’s important,” they all said. We learned how to sleep through the night, eat our food, brush our teeth, get dressed, make our beds, cross streets safely, do our homework, play well with others, cook food, clean clothes, and manage money. We also learned to value, like they do, getting our stuff done.

It turned out that our adults were right. Through our schooling and into our first jobs, we continued to get our stuff done. And we received rewards for doing so.

Then we became leaders. And we probably thought something like, “Wow. I am so good at getting my stuff done that I have been rewarded. I am now in charge of other people getting stuff done, too!”

So here we are today. We likely struggle trying to get our stuff done and make sure everyone else gets their stuff done. Sometimes we delegate. Sometimes we take it on and do it ourselves because it’s faster. Sometimes all we can do is get angry, dejected, or passive.

But we struggle only because no one told us that being a leader has very little to do with getting stuff done. No, indeed. Being a leader is about creating and nurturing an environment where others can get stuff done.

It’s time to value ourselves for and get good at creating such an environment.


In your corner,


PS: It’s not about the work. It’s not about the work. It’t not about the work.

PPS: Yes, even as leaders, we have our own stuff to get done. But most of it is about building that environment.


Today’s photo credit: Jamie Anderson cc

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