Why Our Projects Run into Headwinds
Why Our Projects Run into Headwinds

Why Our Projects Run into Headwinds

We have many goals and projects in flight. And mindset matters to all of them way more than we think. So I ask clients to focus on setting a good mindset before anything else. I call this plugging in. Being plugged in means being inspired, feeling good, and being in the flow. Being unplugged means feeling bad, being uninspired, and trying to manage anyway.

When we set and drive to goals while being unplugged, we encounter more headwinds like waste, delays, extra costs, stress, drama, and burnout. When we set and steer goals while being plugged in, we encounter more flow, alignment, cooperation, ease of planning and adjusting, and better results.

The good news is we can switch to plugged-in mode whenever we want. Pause. Find a better feeling thought than whatever you’re feeling now. Repeat until inspired then act. Next, help others do the same. Set goals and steer from here, good leader.

In your corner,


PS: Sound impractical, not you, or otherwise something you wouldn’t do? Don’t take my word. Prove it to yourself, starting with something small.