Refresh Resistance, Part 2
Refresh Resistance, Part 2

Refresh Resistance, Part 2

We talked about the importance of Effectiveness Habit #6: Refresh and what happens to your overall system if you bypass this habit.

Here are the Top 5 thoughts (or stories) that stop you from doing this habit. For each I’ve listed a potential “flipped” thought that can get you past the delays you may have in using Habit #6.

Thought “Flipped” Thought
I have no time. “The benefits of using this habit include freeing up my time.”
It took so long last time. “The first refresh or two took longer because I had lots to handle. I bet regular attention to this habit will keep the daily refreshes shorter. “
I can keep it all in my head. “I’d rather not take on the burden of remembering everything I will or could do.”
I hate the structure, lack of freedom, discipline. “I find that when I freely choose a discipline like this, it strongly supports my success.”
I’m afraid to look at what might be lurking in my hopper and other lists. “Whether I look or not, potentially burdensome items are still in there. I am better off knowing sooner so I can manage it.”


Another tip: Try doing 3 or 4 daily refreshes in a row. You’ll start to see the benefits of using this habit within a week.

To your continued success!



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