The Fish Thrives from the Head
The Fish Thrives from the Head

The Fish Thrives from the Head

We know the adage about rotting fishes: show me a company in trouble and I’ll show you a senior team that is and has been in trouble. But the other-way-round is just as true: show me a company that is thriving and I’ll show you a senior team that is and has been thriving.

If you are a senior leader–whether your company is thriving, in trouble, or somewhere in between–redirect a portion of your time toward building a thriving leadership team–one that is aligned, wastes less time, makes good decisions, executes well, and enjoys.

Even if you are not a senior leader, you are a leader–everyone is. So redirect a portion of your time to create a thriving environment right where you are with what you have. (Hopefully, that doesn’t mean you have vote with your feet but do so if that’s what it takes.) You will be making a difference and tipping the scales.

In your corner,
