Reality, in three acts
Reality, in three acts

Reality, in three acts


Want to become really, really effective and satisfied?  Good. Then you really, really need to get a grasp on reality.

Reality…as in “the universe we live in,” “everything,” “the whole enchilada.”

A British scientist says that we as people are not smart enough to understand the universe. He may be right.  Every attempt to describe or model the reality we live in falls short.  And I don’t have The Answer either. But that doesn’t stop us from making good use of these models to be happier and more successful.

One is particularly useful: the 3-part nature of things.  Described in many traditions and philosophies, this model says “reality” as we typically know it comes from somewhere else.

Same Play Through History

Below are some of the common formulations of this model.  Since the names aren’t as important as what they point to, resist the temptation to get hung up on them.

  • All Possibility, Quantum Field, Physical Reality
  • Spirit, Mind, Body
  • Higher Self, Conscious Self, Basic Self
  • Super Ego, Ego, Id
  • Father, Son, Holy Ghost
  • The Fields, The Towns, The City.
  • The Tao, The Interpretation, The 10,000 Things
  • Be, Do, Have.
  • The non-local, the mind, the local
  • The Indeterminable Source, Thoughts and Actions, Results and Things
  • Where the thought came from, the thought about the thing, the thing.
Applying This Model

Normally, we act as if the world worked with just 2 of the 3 parts: the “Thoughts and Actions” and the “Results and Things.”  We think about and act on our world to affect it. Nothing really wrong with that.

But there is more. Grasping the “whole enchilada” of reality means adding the 1st part.  The 1st part is the source of the others.  No matter what you want to call it, the 1st part offers the possibility of a new way to generate the results you want in your career, organization, and life.

Studying the various formulations of this model, it seems that tapping the 1st part allows us to create most anything. What does it look like? It’s best described as a calm, confident, and positive expectation that things will work out as desired.

How do you tap it?  How do you know you’ve tapped it?  Those are naturally really tough to describe.  People have tried many things to tap the 1st part: meditation, visioning, dreaming, praying, dancing, exercise, reading, doping, drinking, singing, and chanting.  I recommend simply observing your feelings.  When you feel good, you’re tapping it.  When you feel bad, you’re not.  Build the habit of always seeking to feel good.

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