Effectiveness Habits: Quick Success Story
Effectiveness Habits: Quick Success Story

Effectiveness Habits: Quick Success Story

For a bit of encouragement on your work with the Effectiveness Habits, let me share a quick success story.

My friend and client, Moe, recently told me that his work with the Habits has improved his golf swing! “Because I’m now getting everything out of my head (Habit #1), I have fewer things distracting me and my swing.” Congratulations!

What about you? What have been your successes using the Habits? And if you haven’t any successes yet, what would you like them to be? (Leave your answers in the comments below.)


To your continued success,



  1. Debbie Fletcher

    I’m experiementing with a list system using post its. It is very manual, but removes the requirement to rewrite things. Also, I take tremendous pleasure in moving the post it to my completed section.

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