My search for the roots of success.
I’ve always wondered what creates and sustains a happy, satisfying life and business. What’s the secret sauce? Is it something you’re born with, something you learn, or something you earn?
As a young boy, I looked around and wondered how some people got lucky and others didn’t. In university, I was thrilled to read in books like In Search of Excellence that good leadership and business outcomes are possible even as major industrial companies withered through the 70s and 80s.
I’ve worked at good companies and bad ones. I studied hundreds of other companies and how they behave in good times and bad. I have pored over all (well, almost all) the philosophies and methodologies. And I’ve coached hundreds of leaders and their teams across many sectors and industries.
I saw what worked and what didn’t. Of course, I don’t know everything about leadership, life, and business. But I do know what to look for.
Clients appreciate how quickly I connect with and understand them and their businesses. They trust the simple approach, guiding frameworks, and leadership tools.
My mission is to keep growing, learning, and enjoying life and help as many others as possible do the same.
How about you?
What’s your mission? What do you most want for you, your team, and your company? What issue do you contend with most these days? I bet we could make a good dent in that, if you like. You can…