It’s like turning your head

Evolutionary neurologists have a good explanation for our habit of focusing mostly on the negative, the problems, what is wrong. They explain […]


How Long Will It Take?

“I want to focus on what’s right not what’s wrong.” “We want our meetings to be productive, meaningful, and efficiently planned.” “We […]


Exquisite Opportunities

If we know that we have a habit of thought or behavior that no longer serves us, we can Ignore it. Honestly. […]

Happiness Is Not The Goal

As we prepare to enjoy some holiday or end-of-year festivities, it is important to remember something about happiness. Happiness is not a […]

What Does FAE Say?

We have an odd tendency to pin blame on others instead of the situation. Social psychologists call this the fundamental attribution error […]

Oddly Effective

Here are two oddly effective steps to improve your relationship and influence with anyone. Say silently to yourself about the other person, […]

Do What You Can

Stephen Covey, in his famous book the The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, never said, “When you want to control, stick […]