Solution-Resistant Problems


Some problems seem to resist solving. These problems feel bad to consider. Knowing how uncomfortable they are, we don’t fully address them. Instead of solving the problem for good, we end up creating “solutions” that only numb the discomfort.

To solve solution-resistant problems, embrace them.

Start by feeling through the bad feeling. Catch yourself feeling bad about the problem before you react to numb the feeling. Choose to stick with the feeling for a bit. Allow the feeling well up then subside; you will be fine. And you will then have much more ease with and clarity about the problem.

If you are considering a problem related to you alone, ask, “What do I want instead of this problem? And what is the very next, concrete step I can take to move closer to that?” If the problem is shared within a team, have everyone consider, “What do we want instead of this problem? And what is the very next, concrete step we can take to move closer to that?”


In your corner,


Today’s photo credit: Ravages via photopin cc

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