We create our own stress.
This is much more than an old self-help chestnut. It is a vitally important insight. Once we get this, we can reduce or eliminate stress at work and in life.
Stress is nothing more than the difference between the way things are and the way we think they should be.
The key word here is “should.” Stress comes from seeing the way things are then negatively judging ourselves, others, or the situation: “Ugh. I don’t like that. It should be this way, they should do that, I should be doing this other thing.” When we should all over ourselves, others, or the situation, we are merely commenting. Nothing moves, little or no change can happen, and stress continues to build.
Happy, freeing, and profitable growth comes from seeing the way things are then signing up to create something better. “Ugh. I don’t like that. Let’s see how we can make it better.” When we sign up instead of shoulding, we stop holding ourselves in place and stress melts away.
In your corner,
Today’s photo credit: MTSOfan Life Imitates Muppets via photopin (license)