The Wise Leaders’ Way to Sustained Happiness, Growth, and Freedom
The Wise Leaders’ Way to Sustained Happiness, Growth, and Freedom

The Wise Leaders’ Way to Sustained Happiness, Growth, and Freedom

It’s not market share, innovation, or strategy. It’s not earning per share, EBITDA, or another round of funding. It’s also not left-wing, right-wing, or centrist policies. Though it sounds like Sunday school treacle, we wise leaders know the way to sustained happiness, growth, and freedom. It is to help others achieve sustained happiness, growth, and freedom.



In your corner,


PS: We know it because we’ve experienced the joy and profit of helping others be in any way more joyful and more profitable. If you haven’t yet, trust and try it.


Today’s photo credit: FootMassagez Gift, Birthday, Surpise – Credits to via photopin (license)

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