Getting What You Want
Getting What You Want

Getting What You Want

Getting what you want always starts with stating what you want. Though it sounds simple, most of us don’t actually do it. We either don’t think it’s necessary to state what we want or we don’t think it’s possible to have what we want. Yet we can get what we need, want, or desire by being clear and specific about what we want, going for win-win, writing it down, removing countermanding beliefs, and acting as inspired.

Try this:

  • Write down a list of things you want. Include whatever you wish to include from whatever parts of your work and life. Make it as long or as short as you like. It is quite important that you write this list and get it out of your head. Where something you want involves others, include on your list what would be a win for them.
  • Read your list daily. Read every item, carefully. Look to feel great and be inspired by your list. As you read, watch your reactions. Where you have a good-feeling reaction, great. Where you have a bad feeling reaction–often, it will only be a brief pang–you have a belief about why what you want isn’t possible. Countermanding beliefs like these limit our perspectives, stall our actions, and affect others’ opinions about us. Try a flip or a ladder to generate great-feeling thoughts and excitement.
  • Act as inspired. Feeling good, you will get new insights, opportunities, and connections that you will be inspired to act upon. Do so.

What do you want?


In your corner,


PS: The thought of reading your list daily seems overwhelming. After the first few days, though, you’ll want to do it because it is rewarding.


Today’s photo credit: messycupcakes via photopin cc

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