the leadership system that lets you thrive


Your company is growing!

And, as leader, that is so rewarding.

But it’s also frustrating and exhausting. There is too much going on, it’s hard to get people to do the right things, and you’re putting in way too many hours.

You’re not alone. Every growing company hits spots where what got them here can’t help them go further.

We can fix that.


It’s simple.

I help you and your senior team get next-level results without the stress, drama, or burnout. Using proven tools, we get your arms around your now more complex company, understand what it needs, and improve your strength as a leadership team to deliver that.

We start where it makes sense, improving something important and immediate. We build up trust, pick the next thing, and repeat as needed. Along the way, you and the company evolve to thrive, take on rewarding challenges you may not have thought possible, and preserve the secret sauce that has made your company and its mission so compelling.

My role is being “in your corner.” I am coach to you and your team; I guide you through the process. Clients say they like how quickly I get to know them, their team, and their business. They refer to me as their Wendy Rhoades, Ted Lasso, business therapist, catalyst, or–in one case–honorary founder and partner. My inside-outsider status helps you get relevant perspective. We also set you up with confidential peer support–often seen as getting the “cheat codes” for being a leader.


Let’s see.

If that resonates, let’s talk. We can explore what’s working in your company and what would make it even better. You will walk away with a game plan and we can decide whether it make sense for me to help.

Please let me know some times that would work for you. Or, if it’s easier, book a convenient time here.

Recent In Your Corner Posts

In Your Corner are short, light, and useful insights to help keep your growing company growing the way you want it to grow. Subscribe here. These are some of the recent ones:

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