What’s your bias toward action?

There are three biases or ways of dealing with your list of tasks.

  • Pushing to make things happen.
  • Avoiding action due to some form of overwhelm.
  • Enjoying a natural flow of action.

When you push, things break, often more than you imagine. And you get worn out.

When you avoid, nothing happens. And, well, there you are.

Pushing and avoiding both stem from less-than-productive beliefs. They are stories you tell yourself about the world or yourself. Examples: “I can and must get it all done. And when I do, then I can relax and be happy.” Or, “There’s too much to do. It has to be perfect. I’ll never get this done.”

Many people tend either to push or avoid. Some swing between pushing and avoiding.

When you neither push nor avoid, you experience a very satisfying flow of activity characterized by just the right things appearing to get done at just the right time and with ease. You plan, but don’t over plan. You act, but don’t freak. You are calm, but not comatose. You feel good.

You and everyone else can get into this flow of action. It starts with developing the habit of feeling good, then acting.

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