Replace Worry

What would happen if we replaced worry or concern with trust that it will all work out? Some might fear nothing would […]

We Needn’t

Assuming we know the outcomes we want to see, there are two ways we can approach any given situation. We can worry […]

Paint a Picture

Worry (or, more mildly, concern) binds us. It keeps us overly focused on avoiding what could go wrong. This limits the time and […]

No Worries

We can worry. Or we can choose to see that things will work out. Like all low-buzz reactions, worrying accomplishes little and […]

Failure in Advance

“Anxiety is nothing but repeatedly re-experiencing failure in advance. What a waste.” – Seth Godin We think we have control of or […]

Juicy Goodness

Sure you can worry, complain, or get angry about another person’s decisions, behaviors, or attitude.  You can go ahead and demand, plead, […]

You Can Handle Anything

When we are worried or angry, we are anticipating that something we don’t want–some threat–might happen. Pause to verify this for yourself: […]