picture of a line of tea lights

Spread This Instead

There is nothing about our current situation that we cannot handle. We only waste our energy if we worry, try to not […]

Inspirational Fail

Inspirational posters and Instagram posts typically fail us. That’s because wise words do not transmit wisdom, they only coax us toward wisdom […]

It’s Very Hard Work

We talk about approaching our piles of tasks with ease. We note how jumping into action when feeling tense, angry, or otherwise […]

You Might Find This Useful

While we identify ourselves as our bodies, our thoughts and emotions, or our memories, the sages tell us that we are much […]


If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader. –John Quincy Adams […]


Strong Decisions Quickly

We can waste lots of time and energy by trying to think our way through problems, to figure out what to do next, […]