Move to a New Field


Who says that you cannot move to a new field or industry because you only have experience in your current field? Plenty of people make that kind of move.

Yes, when you move into a new field, there are technical aspects you need to learn. And you bring with you all your talents (e.g. your ability to lead, collaborate, organize, dream, envision, plan,  describe,  etc.), general world experience,  and passion. These aspects are twice as important than technical skills in determining your capability, value to others, and success.

Yes, when you move into a new field, you need to acquire a network of new people. And you bring with you your existing network. You don’t lose those people. You simply expand your network to include people in your new field. This benefits everyone including people in your old network, people in your new network, and you.

Yes, of course you can move to a new field. Learn how who you are and what you do will benefit people in your new field.


In your corner,



Today’s photo credit: A Guy Taking Pictures via photopin cc

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