Despite the Drama, It Is All Working Out


Thought you should hear this: despite the drama, everything is working out. I suggest you can relax. And have not a single worry about how it will work out.

Drama is your indication that you are trying figure it all out. If you haven’t noticed yet, it’s way too difficult to figure out all that has to happen–especially when other people are involved. And it’s completely unnecessary to try. If you let the “hows” manage themselves, then they will and do it well.

Meanwhile, choose to feel good. Not head-in-the-sand-or-in-the-clouds, mind you. Remain focused on your goals, on win-win, and how it feels to consider having those goals achieved, your wishes granted. Then take whatever action or make whatever decision you are inspired to in each moment.


In your corner,


PS: Consider “figuring out how it will all work” as not part of your job description.

PPS: If today’s note isn’t for you, pass it along to someone who can use a boost. Or save it until you do need it.


Today’s photo credit: Tim Green aka atoach via photopin cc

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